Depending on who you ask - and what you want to hear - you are very likely to get different divorce advice from all you ask. You should be clear in your mind exactly what you want to know before asking for divorce advice. You will then know what questions to ask. Do NOT make the common mistake of not differentiating all the different divorce categories, as there are many different divorce categories to look for.
Mind Is Fully Made Up If your mind is fully made up to get a divorce, however tough it may be, then the advice you seek should be relevant to getting a divorce as soon as possible. This will probably involve meeting with lawyers, so essential you have all the proper information to give them. He or she will then be better prepared to provide you with the proper divorce advice. Not Sure. However, if you are not totally sure you want to get a divorce you would be wise to talk to a lawyer or financial expert to ask advice about the financial implications.
Divorce advice regarding the wellbeing of your children can usually best be obtained from specialists. You would also be well advised to consult a marriage counselor so that you are well informed about every aspect of your divorce. It would also be in your best interests to consult more than one person to get the best advice from independent sources. When you are sure the divorce is agreed to by both parties, and will be clean and simple without any financial problems then such a divorce should not require any complicated divorce advice. The decision for such a divorce will have been been arrived at with both parties emotionally well prepared and nothing causing any great worry - only sadness. The kind of divorce advice under such circumstances would not normally have very great financial implications, and would probably deal only with a pre-nuptial agreement or even a mutually agreed-to divorce.
However, if you must get divorced perhaps the best divorce advice you can ever get is one which enables you to take care of all the matters on your own by talking to friends, counselors and family. Getting a divorce, or not, is ultimately your decision, and only you can sort it out the best way you can. My advice: Try avoiding divorce at all, if you can, as often painful for all concerned! Copyright (c) 2007 Peter Blake.
Currently residing in London Peter Blake writes articles on family and lifestyle issues. Further divorce advice pertaining to this article can be found on the following websites: and